Drumroll please… it’s time to reveal the winners of the Forecourt Trader Awards 2022.
The Forecourt Trader of the Year remains the most prestigious and respected competition in the UK’s petrol retailing calendar. Its aim – as ever – is to reward the ‘best of the best’, those who put best practice into effect day in, day out, who are not afraid of change and develop their businesses accordingly. These Awards reward hard work, determination and innovation – and the drive for the pursuit of excellence.
The glittering Awards ceremony was a brilliant night out for everyone involved in the fuel retailing sector as friends, colleagues and like-minded retailers who got together to network and have a good time.
The Forecourt Trader of the Year Awards took place at the Park Plaza, Westminster, on Thursday, October 13.
Winner of Best Forecourt for Wales and West of England up to 4mla was Ascona Green Garage Service Station in Pembroke.

Additionally, Darren Briggs Managing Director of Ascona Group was honoured with the Forecourt Trader Awards 2022 Special Industry Award.

A full list of winners of all categories can be found HERE - https://forecourttraderawards.co.uk/live/en/page/winners-2022